Saturday, June 25, 2011

shame on us :(

malu beb, malu.
although this happened in Asasi,
tp sampai la ni org duk bincang pasal demo ni.

kenapa aku malu?
first, aku rasa kita cepat sangat melatah.
punca demo ni adalah utk membangkang kenyataan MB Selangor
yg mencadangkan 10% kuota UiTM dibuka kepada non-bumi.
tiba-tiba dah ada buat demo.
cuba kita pikir, it is JUST a suggestion.
lagipun MB Selangor mana ada hak nak amend perlembagaan or undang2 uitm?
also, 10% pun kita dah naik marah macam ni?
chill la. :)

second, kita tunjuk kelemahan kita kat orang.
kenapa kita takut sangat nak bersaing dengan non-bumi?
embrace it, sebab kita tahu kita tak mampu.
kenapa aku kata tak mampu?
cuba tengok bebudak uitm,
aku rasa 30% je yg gila2 belajar.
yg lain? esaimen tak siap, weekend pegi clubbing,
berdating kat DC, bla bla bla.
nak enjoy tak salah, tapi kalau sampai hari2 ponteng kelas?
patutlah takut dgn non-bumi.
aku sbg org yg kuat ponteng kelas ni pun terasa tau.
malu, malu.

thirdly, aku percaya half dari bebudak yg berdemo ni
tak pikir panjang masa nak join berarak.
masa ni aku asasi, aku mengaku aku mmg ada rasa nak pergi.
tapi tak jadi sbb aku takut ponteng kelas Miss Afni.
tujuan aku nak pergi bukan nak menyokong demo tu.
aku nak tengok perangai bebudak ni cmane je.
nasib baik aku tak pergi.
kalau ada muka aku dlm video tu,
memang hari2 keluar rumah pakai beg kertas kat kepala.
anyway, aku tanya jugak kwn2 aku yg pergi.
dorg pergi sbb nak ponteng kelas je.
apa kes? 

last but not least,
this demo shows we are racist, man.
semua bangsa adalah sama.
Tuhan cipta kita berlainan bangsa 
supaya kita saling berkenalan.
bukan to throw hateful comments against each other.
kita agungkan sgt Perkara 153 tu,
at the same time kita laung konsep 1Malaysia.
macamana tu?
tak ke contradict each other?

pada org yg akan jawab
"kau ni, tak belajar sejarah ke?" atau
"kau nak ke Melayu dipijak kat bumi sendiri?"
aku nak tegaskan, aku tau sejarah.
aku pun hormat Perlembagaan.
tapi aku tau Perlembagaan Malaysia sebahagian besarnya
digubal oleh orang BUKAN Melayu.
dan my personal thought,
kalau kita belajar sungguh2,
kerja sungguh2 tanpa harap hak istimewa tu,
INSYAALLAH takkan ada kes kena pijak kepala tu.
yg penting, kita back to basic lah: Islam.
kan Nabi ada kata,
selagi kita ikut al-Quran dan sunnah,
takkan kita sesat kat dunia ni.

*just my two cents*

CBA: Chemistry Bapa dan Anak

aku tak ingat sejak bila aku mula rapat dengan bapak aku.
sekarang dah makin-makin rapat sebab banyak spend time dengan dia.
tau tak betapa cool-nya ada chemistry dengan bapak sendiri? :D

pernah masa tu nak pergi Tesco.
seperti yg anda tahu, 
aku memang suka mengekor bapak aku pegi mana-mana pun.
kadang-kadang pegi stesen minyak je pun rela shawl belit2 bagai.
masa dalam kereta, 
dah jalan jauh sikit baru terdetik dalam hati aku
"eh, tak pakai seatbelt lagi ni".
masa aku tarik seatbelt dan pasang, 
aku perasan bapak aku tengah buat benda yg sama.
pada masa yang sama.
time tu rasa macam slow motion je.
hell yeah cool gila.

secondly, masa pergi pasar malam tadi.
kitorang pergi beli nasi ayam mahal (rm6 tu mahal okeh. damn.).
time tu makcik tu tanya, "nak yg mana encik?"
pastu papa ambik like two seconds utk pikir.
aku pulak pikir, "oh that one looks good."
guess what, kitorang point at the exact same nasi ayam
pada masa yg sama jugak.
aku hampir tergelak masa tu.
cool kan? cool kan?
kalau kau kata tak cool, maknanya kau jeles. haha.

selain dari perbuatan, 
aku sekarang dah reti berfikir macam bapak aku.
hari tu, aku ada argue dgn sorang member pasal Perkara 153.
you know, pasal hak keistimewaan Melayu tu?
aku rasa benda tu somehow tak betul,
sebab dalam Islam, 
mana ada bangsa yg lebih tinggi darjat dari bangsa lain.
kan masing-masing sama.
tapi oleh kerana aku sgt loser dalam berdebat 
dan tak reti tunjuk reasons,
aku mengaku kalah dan iyakan je apa yg kawan aku kata.
next few days, aku rasa mungkin memang akulah yang salah
sebab aku mempersoalkan perlembagaan Malaysia and whatnot.
so aku tanya, "pa, pa rasa Perkara 153 tu bagus tak?"
dan bapak aku jawab "Melayu ke Islam lagi penting?"
awwww yeahhhh tiba-tiba rasa dewasa je sbb bapak aku 
pikir benda yg sama. :')

orang kata, anak perempuan lagi-lagi yang nombor dua,
akan lagi rapat dengan bapak.
mungkin betul apa yg dorang cakap.

aku tak terbayang kalau aku nak kahwin nanti.
one of us'll be the saddest person in the whole world. :')

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Midnight Blue #1

"Kau suka abang tu eh? Takpe kau jangan risau, aku dah dapat nombor dia," kata Sha sambil tersengih.
Aku diam je, sebab aku malu. Yalah, baru Form 3, tak pernah2 lagi bercakap dengan laki. Tapi dalam hati mengaku la, memang seronok.

Tapi lepas tu, aku tengok Sha je yang banyak borak dengan abang tu. Aku pun macam, kawan jenis apalah mangkuk ni. Dia dah terang2 tau aku suka dekat abang tu!

Jadi satu malam ni lepas habis belajar, aku ikutlah Sha pergi public phone. Dia call lagi abang tu. Sekali masa dia borak2 tu boleh pulak dia tanya abang tu, "Kau nak cakap dengan Ero tak?"
Lepas tu dia pass gagang phone tu kat aku.

Hoi, memang menggeletar lutut bai cakap dengan lelaki yang kau suka. Lagi2 first time dengar suara dalam phone. Dalam hati memang menyumpah sahabat aku tu. Cis. Tapi lepas habis cakap dengan abang tu, senyum lebar. Tak habis2 kena menganjing dengan Sha. Tapi abaikan sahaja sebab terlalu happy. Jadi, itulah waktu dan ketikanya aku berkenalan dengan abang tu.

Tapi satu benda yang aku hairan, abang tu suruh aku belajar rajin-rajin. Kenapa aku rasa hairan? Entahlah, aku rasa bila kita first time berborak dengan seseorang, kata-kata tu adalah janggal. Mungkin aku yang tersilap.

Sebenarnya selain abang tu, aku ada minat jugak kat abang-abang yang lain. Tapi setakat crush budak-budak sekolah jelah. Satu hari tu, Syak pergi call abang tu. Tapi aku tak nak ikut, sebab pertama, aku marah kat Sha. In a way, dia betray aku sebab macam dia pulak yang pergi flirt dengan seseorang yang aku suka. Kedua, aku taknak kacau abang tu banyak sangat walaupun dia dah habis sekolah. Aku takut dia tak selesa.

Bila Sha balik jumpa aku, dia beritahu. "Weh, aku bagitau abang tu yang kau ada minat ramai abang-abang lain dow. Pastu aku sebutlah nama sorang-sorang. Pastu abang tu marah gila sampai mencarut dekat kau."

Aku dah macam, what the hell. Layak ke seseorang yang baru kenal aku nak mencarut kat aku? Lepas tu aku nangis, mungkin frust sangat kot. Dan lagi satu sebab adalah aku punyalah bengkek dengan Sha bongek ni sebab pergi beritahu semua-semua tu dekat abang tu. Melepas!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Personality Test

i'm just curious about myself.

so i took some of the tests found on the net.

and here goes:

Left-brained or right-brained:


introverted, intuitive, follows one's feelings, perceiving.

Quiet, reflective and idealistic. 
Interested in serving humanity. 
Well-developed value system.
Extremely loyal. 
Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. 
 Mentally quick and able to see possibilities. 
Interested in understanding and helping people.

Suitable careers:
Writers, artists, counselors, social workers, English teachers, fine arts teachers, child care workers, clergy, missionaries, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, political activists, editors, education consultants, journalists, religious educators, social scientists.

IQ Test:

sekian. :D

Sunday, June 19, 2011

enjoying life.

you can't imagine how happy i am,
spending the long holiday at my own home.
to my own surprise, it has been two months and i still haven't feel bored.
at all.
here and there, my friends are already begging to go back in Shah Alam.
i beg to differ. Shah Alam is hell to me. urgh.

right now, it's only the four of us in the big house.
papa, who works on shifts, 
and this week he works at night and come back home in the morn.
at that time we're not awake yet, 
so papa'll do some things i.e. rolling his cigarettes or working on our little garden
 and then sleep his way off.
mama, who wakes up but never make breakfast
 cuz the whole house never take breakfast anyway.
faris, devoting his free time to the internet,
and finally, me, who loves to sleep at 5 a.m. and wakes up at 3. 

i'm at peace here, at my home.
we seldom eat together as a family,
but sometimes when i hear mama and papa talking in the kitchen,
i will tergedik-gedik turun and open the fridge and close it and open it back
and take some cold water
and then menyibuk-nyibuk duduk satu meja dgn mama papa.

often at nights when we hear our tummies rumbling,
i would follow papa to buy some food at a stall nearby.
or every Tuesday and Friday nights, we would go to the night market.

i love to mengekor papa everywhere he goes.
it is sometimes to fill my free time,
but most of the time i feel obliged to follow him.
for me, it is a way for me to accompany him
and have our father-daughter moment. :)
as for mama, we talk about girly stuffs.
baju raya nanti nak colour apa, nak beli apa, nak buat lauk apa, 
yadda yadda yadda.
and whenever i feel like it, i'll pester my lil bro when he's surfing the internet.

i love my life. :)
and most importantly, i love my family.

but yeah, i do miss my hectic life in Shah Alam.
and on the 5th semester, i vow to do better than this sem.
get back that DL pointer, targeting 3.7 and above, insyaAllah.
also, am working my ass off (not really) to kill some weight.
to date, 4 kilos have been shed. muahahahaha.

to you peeps, take care of yourself.
and love your family, aite?
i miss you guys. :)

and oh, Happy Father's Day, papa!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

being hipster.

i will always detach myself from anything that has become other people's favourites.

when so many people are fanatics to Maharaja Lawak, i won't watch it. even if people share the vids on facebook.

when so many people buy blackberry, saying it's cool and hype and convenient to have, it kills my lust to own it too. and automatically, i'll be in love with my 'lame' old Sony Ericsson.

if so many people become engrossed in reading and watching Inspector Conan, i'll go and resort myself to Hajime Kindaichi instead. never heard of it? that's coz i'm so hipster bebeh. :D

when people go crazy over Nora Elena, surprisingly i've become a hater to that series. oh no, hate is a strong word, eh? but i really, really dislike the story. 

same goes to K-Pop.

and surprisingly when so many people hate Bieber, i automatically become addicted to his songs, even to the extent of making them as my ringtone (the main goal is just to annoy people though. haha)

and most importantly, when people go crazy on their favourite artists, say, Aaron Aziz or Lisa Surihani, i would NEVER EVER give a d*mn. last time i was forced to go to KL Gangster Meet and Greet session, i just stood idly there where many people are shoving others' asses off to take a good pic of their favourite idol.

duh. i dunno, i like being different. even when others see me as lame or pathetic. even when choosing a crush, i would never choose someone upfront or 'menonjol' kata mereka. i always opt for the mysterious one - the ones yg tak banyak bercakap. i find them more appealing. ;)

i once read my own zodiac sign, it said Scorpios are very proud of themselves. maybe for me, being hipster is something that i can be proud of coz i'm being different. hahaha silly me. but hey, everybody's unique actually.



baru je aku publish entry ni, tiba-tiba mama cakap pasal Jozan dan Sepah. mama pon dah kena penyakit Maharaja Lawak! ini sangat bertentangan dengan tujuan entry ini! T____T

biarlah, sayang mama punya pasal. aku download kan la nanti video2 nyeeee. huhu.

lagi satu, berat turun lagi sekilo! woohoooooo! :D

Monday, June 13, 2011


mata merah gila sebab still tak tidoq2 sampai la ni.
but i just can't resist the temptation of this shawl!!
saya officially jatuh cinta dgn ia sbb rasa ia cantik gila. :D
makbung belikan masa pergi jordan, mekah, dan madinah.

so, this is gonna be my shawl for raya. hoho gedik!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

of wanting someone so much.

have you ever had this feeling?
when you saw the signboard and your thoughts automatically flew to him.
but your rationale cut it down.
"stop dreaming. it's just a coincidence."
but you couldn't stop thinking,
that maybe, JUST maybe,
he might be just a few metres away from you.
that when you stopped by a shop,
he might JUST be around the corner.
that when you're on the road, stuck in a traffic jam,
he might JUST be a few cars away from yours.
all because of that signboard showing the name of his place.
and your thoughts of him would increasingly grow.
so big you felt like your mind is leaving your body,
searching for anything regarding him.
and you started to wonder,
with thoughts this strong, does his heart feel it?
would he have a hunch, or just a tickle in his heart,
that someone is thinking of him?

and you'd think "meh. things like that only happen in love stories. fictions."
but in the tiniest place of your heart,
you pray that it is true,
although it only looks like a very very sweet dream.

Monday, June 6, 2011

things i learnt today

1) gorgeous miss Raihan Ibrahim has taught me about the time differences in the UK and Malaysia. also a big thanks to my one friend who initially asked about it. now i know a lot! complete with some knowledge about the Daylight Saving Time. and not to forget mr. Google for being so knowledgeable. hehe.

cik ean di sebelah kiri. : D

2) today i learnt another thing which i should be grateful of (ops, i think i should rephrase this, but whatever). it is that i have the bestest of the best mister ex-boyfie who is ALWAYS so caring of me. yesterday we talked over the phone, he cried just from remembering that one time i was left alone at Seksyen 19 and he had to pick me up. i felt so touched. he is so nice, i just forget about this because we were always fighting most of the time. even now, when we were no longer lovers. duhhhhh. i guess being separated means nothing for us, which is a good thing. : )

selalu rasa dia comel kalau sengih nampak gigi. hoho.

3) i guess i should follow what Kei wants to do too, that is, fasting in the month of Rejab! : ) looking at how lazy and procrastinating i am, i might not be able to fast for a whole 15 days. but i sure need to fast for at least two days (balance puasa ganti) and pay off those puasa nazar. insyaAllah. : )

konon insaf la ni. hahah

4) it might be a little too late to say this, but i got that KPM scholarship. alhamdulillah~ this shows how Allah always care about us even though we too often neglect Him - as in this case, me. this gift has made me learn more about being grateful and try a lot harder to become a good servant of His in this world. thank you for everything, Allah.

: )

Saturday, June 4, 2011

repeated dreams

semalam mimpi kau lagi.
dah apa jenis guna-guna kau bagi kat aku ni woi?
but like i said before,
repeated dreams of u means i'm missing you.
i wish i wasn't this 'sayur'.
terasa busuk dan hina je bila ego jatuh macam ni.
and terpaksa mengaku i'm head-over-heels for a guy.

i dreamt that you're saying
you have some free time and you'll visit me again.
i really treasure you, everything about you.


do you ever feel like you're lacking attention?
like you're always being the one who listens,
and not listened to.
it kinda hurts, i tried explaining this to him,
but he scolded me, saying that that's enough.
it's his time to get some attention.
i dunno, i tried so hard.

ironically, the one who ALWAYS listens to me
is the one whom i get mad with in the last semester.
i'm sorry, friend.
i shouldn't blame you on what you cannot change.


semalam makan ikan masin,
tulang dia terbenam dalam gusi.
boleh rasa bentuk tulang tu dalam gusi.
terus fobia kejap kat ikan masin. T____T

Friday, June 3, 2011

How to Cook: Sandwich and Asam Pedas

i cooked asam pedas today. yg sandwich tu pulak, minggu lepas kot?

the ingredients:
1 can of Ayam Brand's Mackerel (or Sardine if you prefer)
1 ketul bawang merah
1/2 a cucumber
1 biji limau nipis

How to make:
Mula-mula, bukak tin sardin tu and keluarkan semua tomato sauce dia.
then Chop, chop, chop it all. i mean the fish and other ingredients.
gaul bersama dlm satu mangkuk besar. then perah limau on the whole thing.
You can eat it with bread or just ratah mcm tu je. yummayh! and u can also put other stuffs such as butter and mayo.

Note: i deeply understand if you don't want to waste satu tin mackerel yg sekarang harga rm6.10 just to make a lame sandwich. but just in case tiba2 anda terngidam sandwich ke, bolehlah try.

Asam Pedas
some slices of ikan pari (or any other fish you prefer)
cili giling (suka hati, kalau nak pedas letaklah banyak)
1 ketul bawang merah
beberapa ulas bawang putih
air asam jawa/ asam keping (ni kena rasa sendiri!)
some okras
serai and halia (optional)

How to cook:
Okay firstly, you chop kecik2 the bawang merah and bawang putih. kalau nak letak halia pun boleh, potong kecik2 jugak. and the serai, kalau nak letak ketuk jelah then just campak dlm periuk.
Goreng the bawangs sampai naik bau. yums : 9
letak cili giling. aku letak dua senduk sebab suka pedas-pedas tp tak pedas sgt.
Goreng the cili sampai ia kering.
Taruk air asam jawa. for those yg pakai asam keping, letaklah air berapa byk u nak kat cili tu.
Tunggu air menggelegak, then put those fish, man!
(oh, make sure ikan2 tu tenggelam dlm air. i dunno how to phrase this, but whatevs)
Letak garam secukup rasa.
Bila dah menggelegak lagi, and dah konfiden ikan2 tu dah masak, letak bendi.
Tunggu 5 minit. tutup api, pergi makan dgn nasi.

gudluck babes. : D
i'm so bored, thus the existence of this entry. mcm la takde org reti masak asam pedas and buat sandwich. : D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

sedih tengok orang Melayu skang.

baru form 2 dah mengaku takde dara? sedih.

yang komen2 kat blog budak tu, duk maki2 bagai? lagi sedih.

aib org tutup la wei. bapak aku cakap : sedangkan aib sendiri pun kena tutup, inikan aib orang lain. ya, budak tu salah sbb canang kat satu dunia dia dah takde dara. pergi tulis dlm blog sampai ratus2 org komen. tp komen yg menasihat tu mmg minoriti lah. yg lain sume cakap muka sampah la apelah. kalau kau maki org, kau rasa org nak dengar ke nasihat kau? common sense lah.

for that 14 y.o. girl, saya doakan dia bertaubat. AT LEAST rasalah sedikit rasa bersalah. sebab aku baca, dosa yg lebih besar dari 6,000 kali berzina adalah "buat dosa tanpa rasa bersalah". takde dara bukan problem kecik dik. baru form 2. ada lagi berpuluh-puluh tahun nak tempuh hidup kat dunia ni. cemana nak tempuh kalau satu dunia tau aib kita?

dan mereka yang lain, dia budak lagi. belum kenal dunia, baik buruk . so tak payah maki sampai macam tu. apa rasa kalau family sanak-saudara sendiri buat macam tu? lagi satu, tak payah sebarlah link blog dia kat facebook bagai. sumpah mengaibkan. sedih gila tengok .


aku rasa ramai dah tahu pasal cerita biasiswa. menteri mana entah mengamuk cakap biasiswa tu hanya untuk org melayu dan bumiputera. ya, ikut perlembagaan memang it's supposed to be that way. tapi aku rasa sebab banyak kelebihan pada org melayu la, kita jadi mcm kita yg sekarang ni. dekat uitm tu, cuba kau tengok macamana bebudak melayu belajar. ponteng kelas, esaimen tak hantar, mcm2 lagi. pastu baca tak pasal cerita budak dapat scholarship pegi oversea, tapi bukan belajar betul2 pun kat sana. duit scholarship buat beli gadget, barang2 branded. rugi weh rugi. tak kisah kalau kau nak spend, tapi beragak lah. scholarship tu duit mak bapak aku dan mak bapak kau yg bayar cukai tau tak . T___T

aku rasa scholarship tu kena bagi sama rata between bangsa. dgn syarat result gempak and furthermore budak tu hidup dia susah. barulah fair. ni yg senang dpt scholarship, anak2 org kaya, menteri2. tengok Bersamamu, bebudak sampai berhenti belajar sebab takde duit. bayangkanlah kalau dorang dapat scholarship macamana dorang treasure gila2 duit tu.

oleh itu, aku dan bebudak lain yg dapat scholarship tu, sebelum nak spend duit menggila babi, ingatlah muka mak ayah kita yang berpeluh-peluh sakit belakang kerja semata-mata nak bayar cukai. lagi satu, sebelum kita nak cakap kita deserve dapat scholarship, tunjuklah effort nak dapatkan scholarship tu. ada peluang, pergi apply sbb no one akan offer anda scholarship depan pintu rumah.

thank you. : )