...that little kids could be so adorable. and i'm not being sarcastic here. :P
pukul 8 td pegi mngajar lg kt sekolah mama.
yg kelakarnya, certain kids seronok gila bile ak kne mngajar lg.
mcm biasa, the second class was noisier and more uncontrollable compared to the first.
mama ak ckp, kelas kedua tuh budak2 dia kurg pandai.
oh, no wonder.
nevertheless, i had fun teaching them today [eventhough kena mnjerit setiap 5 minit]. :D
i think the best part is to watch them raise their hands with enthusiasm everytime i asked something.
example: "macamane katak jaga telur dia?"
and diorg jawab: "telur katak ada lendir2!"
okay, their answer was technically true tp ak mmg takleh thn gelak tgk dorg ckp lendir tuh.
and yes, mereka sgt comel, even the noisiest ones.
and biasalah budak2, lpas 5 minit kau mrh mst dorg bising2 balik.
mama ak ckp ak tak reti control kelas.
tp utk ak, ak nk pikir pasal budak2 tu.
ak ingt lg mase ak budak2 dulu, ak tak suka cikgu tu naik marah and garang je setiap masa.
and ak tak suka kena tegur/marah. air muka jatuh ok. :P
time2 cmnh la ak reflect balik childhood experience ak dulu.
so that ak lg paham budak2 nh. :)
and eventhough ak dpt duit bila mngajar dorg, what's more important is that they learned something from me. :)
oh, and budak2 tuh sgt cheesy.
td mcm2 dorg inspect psl abg ak. haha.
and i remembered once, ade sorg budak laki tuh nmpk ak time die tgh turun tangga.
dia ckp "cantiknya cikgu tuh" and die terus terjatuh tangga.
okay, ak tak bangga diri disini, sbb cite nh membe budak tu yg bagitau. :D
i hope this will help for my practicum. :P
ajar form bp ni?
hahaha mok you are soo funny!
wait I mean your students.
mesti diorang suka kawan dgn kau
since kau pun macam sama tinggi dgn diorg,
plus comel macam diorg.
hahaha mok you are soo funny!
wait I mean your students.
mesti diorang suka kawan dgn kau
since kau pun macam sama tinggi dgn diorg,
plus comel macam diorg.
hahaha mok you are soo funny!
wait I mean your students.
mesti diorang suka kawan dgn kau
since kau pun macam sama tinggi dgn diorg,
plus comel macam diorg.
jie: drjh 5 jek syg :D
tnoe: ahahahaha. dorg mmg comel2 blaka. tak smpy ati ak nk garang2. tingt zman ak skula rndh dlu. haha
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