listverse pun sama.
aku suka tengok org argue.
yg argue nh biasanye org2 yg duduk kt area2 barat tulah.
aku hairan, dlm internet, dorg sgt hostile to each other.
mcm every statement will start an argument.
ada beberapa golongan dalam siri internet flame wars nh.
1. the grammar nazis.
2. emo.
3. org yg suruh org lain lighten up.
golongan 1 adalah golongan yg sgt suka point out grammar or spelling org lain. padahal entah2 commenters yg lain tu saja je buat spelling gitu.mcm contoh, there's ada org eja jadi theres je, sbb malas nak letak apostrophe etc. tp apa yg grammar nazis nh tak sedar, everytime dorg suruh org lain betulkan spelling, dorg akan end up buat some kind of typo, which would be pointed out by some other people, and the argument continues.
golongan 2 nh tak pernah nampak ape2 yg perfect dlm apa yg dorg baca. and dorg akan kutuk2 anything that seems wrong kat mata dorg. contoh, bila ada org tulis article dlm listverse pasal 10 bizarre relationships in children's media [sorry, aku hilang url article nh], betapa ramai yg akan ckp "this article is bullshit" atau "i won't subscribe to this site again" atau "it is children's media, what do you expect?" and bla bla bla. aku siap jumpa satu komen kt failbook pasal org yg salah grammar, and org tu apologize sbb dia tak reti ckp english, and ada jugak org yg duk kutuk2 dia lepas tuh.
golongan 3 ini sgt mendapat sokongan aku, sbb dorg treat articles yg dorg baca tuh as light-and-easy entertainment, and dorg bagi opinion utk baiki article tu, bukan mengutuk tanpa asas. and dorg gak suruh org2 lain yg argue tu supaya shut up, since when internet is created to please you? tapi, golongan 3 nh jugak akan membantu org lain ada point utk start balik argument dorg. pretty much ironic.
tapi aku still suka baca argument dorg.
sbb it looks interesting, semua org nak show knowledge dorg.
sbb ak dpt tau byk facts, contoh, pasal revolutionary war/civil war atau terms2 yg tak penah ak tau, contoh FTW, GTFO, pearl necklace (sila google on your own risk cuz this is dirty) or whatever. :-/
and oh, actually baca articles tu jek dah quite interesting.
some topics for ya, or you can go to other articles from here:
"the idiot argues with the wise, learn from them, and become wiser."
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