Tuesday, August 10, 2010

eden lake.

kau org penah tengok tak cerita ini?

dua org lovebird pergi bercuti dekat satu lake nh,
sampai la dorg terjumpa satu group teenagers yg mmg tggl kt kawasan tu.
teenagers nh curi kunci kereta couple tu,
and when confronted, they refused to give it back.
then, the guy accidentally killed bebudak tu punya pet dog,
and this is where all of it begin.

teenagers nh kejar couple tu sampai dlm hutan sbb nk revenge.
at last dorg dpt tgkp the guy while his gf managed to get away.
tau tak dorg buat ape dgn laki tu?
dorg ikat die guna kawat berduri, and rammed penknife dkt area2 badan dia.
tp laki tu tak mati.
the worst part, dorg cucuk penknife tu dlm mulut lelaki tu.

somehow, the gf dpt selamatkan bf dia.
sbb dia terjumpa sorg budak lelaki kecil tgh jalan,
and dia mintak tolong.
and they continued to find a way to escape.
tp alas, bebudak tu dpt tgkp balik lelaki tu.
rupanya budak kecil tu mmg kroni teenagers tu,
and the kid brought her straight tu them.
dpn mata pompuan tu jugak they burnt her bf to death.

when the woman kinda pleaded the kid,
the teenagers burnt him too.

the gf decided to survive, so mcm2 cara dia guna nak escape.

tau tak ending dia apa?

the gf found a house masa die tgh lari tu,
and die jerit2 nak mintak tolong.
pastu baru die sedar itu rumah the teenager's gang leader.
dia cerita psl bebudak tu tp family tu taknak dgr.

at last they drowned her in the bathtub.
the boy who leads the gang?
he went upstairs and pakai shades the bf yg dia smpt jumpa.
lepas tu dia pose dpn cermin.

nota kaki: aku sgt depressed tengok cerita nh. so i wanna know if you feel the same way too. :D


AiN said...

owh aku depressed giler kot! siap nangis2 lagi dlm cinema tuh..hahaha~ aku tgk smpai budak2 tu masukkan pisau dlm mulut laki tu je, pastu tutup mata smpai la citer tu hbs..muahaha :P

Atiqah Shaharudin said...

kan? cite tu mmg sgttttt annoying! :O

junior_sysco said...

citer tu mmg cam haram! aku xske tgk kot..

Atiqah Shaharudin said...

yep2. ak frust gilaaa tgk cite tu! haha