smlm overnight (no, that's not the right word) dekat KL.
with my worthy friends ayai and sai.
aku la yg buat cadangan gila, kenapa?
sbb aku rindu nak tengok gelagat Malaysian dkt KL.
some people who think that they are civilized enough just because they went clubbing and drinking.
mane tempat best nak tgk perangai manusia?
Bukit Bintang, tengah2 pagi buta.
takyah buat pape pun, kau just duduk je bersidai depan mcD besar tu,
and kau dh dpt nampak betapa rosaknya org2 zaman skang.
the drags, org2 menjual, org2 rumah urut, org2 mabuk...
rude people? that, is just the tip of the iceberg.
takat org potong queue kt mcD tu benda biasa.
masa kitorg lepak tepi mcD duduk2 tgkp gambar,
ada la some mat saleh yg mabuk2 lalu depan kitorg.
sorg nh tgh sorak2 about something and then he suddenly said,
"how bout Malaysia? wooohoooooooo!"
i don't care what that means,
tp dlm hati aku, ade rasa annoyed dgn negara sendiri.
annoyed pikir kenapalah Malaysia bukak byk2 club and pub.
foreigner tu mcm bg sorakan utk Malaysia sbb bnde2 mcm nh la.
skang, apa yg buat foreigner sebut
"Malaysia? oh, wonderful place!"
pikirlah sendiri.
lg yg tak boleh blah,
ade la sorg pompuan nh lalu tepi kitorg and ckp
"why are there so many f*ckin' malays around here?"
kau bygkan pompuan tu berani ckp mcm tuh.
which was actually weird sbb pompuan tu pun org melayu.
ade budak lain dgr and die ckp f*ck you kt pompuan tu.
and then gaduh mulut ensued.
just because kau ade pakwe n*gga yg berk*nek besar and kau org boleh minum2 dkt club mlm2,
it doesn't mean kau lg civilized or mulia dr kitorg.
mulia, my ass.
kau org balik pun naik teksi jugak, bkn lamborghini ke apa.
[ini stereotype aku, semua n*gga yg dtg Malaysia mst drive kereta power2].
membuatkan aku terfikir.
kenapa certain org Malaysia sgt memandang tinggi org2 negara luar.
if the whites are so noble,
the term 'white trash' wouldn't exist, no?
enough thinking, it's time for adoring us! :D

nasi lemak 7-eleven.

mcm org homeless dh. haha

kedai ape tah ktorg masuk nh.

ayai dan baked beans.

mcm pakai tunic je aku, hahah.
thanks sai ngn ayai, syg gila kt kau org! :)
people, sayangilah Malaysia.